Shipping Policy

Standard UK delivery

  • Free standard delivery for orders over $50
  • Orders below $50 only $2.95 delivery.
  • Deliveries take 2-3 working days.
  • Our carrier partner delivers 7 days a week between the hours 8.00am to 8.00pm.
  • We do deliver to British Forces addresses.

Tracking Information:

After your order is shipped, you'll get a confirmation email with a tracking number and a link to track the package. Check your junk folder if you don't see the email.

To change your delivery address or arrange delivery to a safe location, sign into your shipping account and manage your shipment. If you aren't home and have chosen a leave safe option, a photo and geolocation will be recorded.

International Shipments

Destination Cost (USD) Delivery time
France $12.46 5-10 business days
Other EU $14.85 5-10 business days
USA Free 1-3 business days
Canada $4.95 2-5 business days
Rest of world $29.95 2-5 business days

Rest of World customers, please be aware that you are responsible for any customs duties or taxes on your orders.